24. august - Dara Sands (LANDSAM)

Av Josie Teurlings

Portrettbilde av Dara Sands
Dara SandsFoto: Privat

Ph.d.-grad – Prøveforelesning og disputas. Dara Sands, Fakultet for landskap og samfunn,  forsvarer sin doktorgradsoppgave "Å leve med det ville: ‘Rewilding’ konflikter og miljøpolitikk i Irland".

English title of thesis: " Living with the Wild: Rewilding Conflicts and Conservation Politics in Ireland".

Norwegian title of thesis: "Å leve med det ville: ‘Rewilding’ konflikter og miljøpolitikk i Irland".

Title of the trial lecture:
‘The History and Politics of Market-Based Conservation and the Emerging Need for Conservation Alternatives’

Place and time:
Thursday 24 August – Gullvepsen - Bikuben Auditorium

12:15 Welcome and trial lecture
13:15 presentation of the research and public defence

Evaluation Committee:
• Professor Rosaleen Duffy Department of Politics and international Relations, University of Sheffield
• Professor Bram Büscher School of Development and Change Wageningen University and Research
• Associate Professor Shai Divon, Noragric NMBU

• Associate Professor Andrei Marin, Noragric
• Professor Emeritus Ian Bryceson, Noragric

ISSN: 1894-6402 ISBN: 978-82-575-2074-8 Thesis number: 2023:45

Everybody is most welcome to the whole event!

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