16 May - Erika Julieta Rojas Ospina (LANDSAM)

Av Josie Teurlings

Cuidado El Machismo mata
Cuidado El Machismo mataFoto: Erika Rojas

PhD degree: Trial lecture and public defence.
Erika Rojas, Noragric, Faculty of Landscape and Society, will defend her thesis "There is No Safe Place" Narratives of Everyday Gendered In/Security at the Margins in El Salvador" on 16 May, 2023.

Norwegian title of the thesis:
«Det finnes ikke noe trygt sted» Narrativer om hverdags kjønnet u/sikkerhet i El Salvadors marginalsoner

Prescribed title of trial lecture: What lessons can we learn from the experiences of violence among women in San Salvador for gendered struggles against violence in the wider Latin American region?

Time and place of the Trial lecture and Public defence: 

Tuesday May 16th, 2023
12:15 Welcome and Trial lecture
13:15 Presentation of the research and public defence

U215 Festsalen, Clock building, NMBU campus (Mazemap)
Join the event on ZOOM

Evaluation committee:
* Professor Anika Oettler, German Institute for Global and Area Studies, Germany
* Professor Mo Hume, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
* Associate Professor Poul Wisborg, Noragric, LANDSAM, NMBU

* Main supervisor: Associate Professor Ingrid Nyborg, Noragric, LANDSAM, NMBU
* Co-supervisor: Professor John Andrew McNeish, Noragric, LANDSAM, NMBU

The doctoral thesis will be available for public review. For those who would like to have access to the thesis can contact the library or send an e-mail to: landsam-phd@nmbu.no.
Thesis number 2023:31; ISSN 1894-6402; ISBN 978-82-575-2001-4.

Thesis abstract

Press release

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