30 Jun – Matilde Mengkrog Holen (BIOVIT)

Av Mara Dagestad

PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence
Matilde Mengkrog Holen, Faculty of Biosciences (BIOVIT) will defend her PhD thesis “Characterization of genes and proteins related to chitin metabolism in Atlantic salmon" on 30 June 2022.

Norwegian title of thesis:
"Karakterisering av gener og proteiner relatert til kitinmetabolisme i atlantisk laks"

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
“The fish immune system”

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
Thursday 30 June at 12.15, H109 Husdyrfagbygget, NMBU

Alternatively, you may attend this event via Zoom: https://nmbu.zoom.us/j/61850411578

Evaluation committee:
Ass. Prof. Ingunn Alne Hoell, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Dr. Victoria Pritchard, University of the Highlands and Islands
Prof. Dag Inge Våge, NMBU

Main supervisor: Ass. Prof. Matthew Peter Kent, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Prof. Margareth Øverland, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Prof. Simen Rød Sandve, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Prof. Gustav Vaaje-Kolstad, NMBU

The doctoral thesis is available for public review. For those who would like to have access to the thesis please send an e-mail to: phd-biovit@nmbu.no
Name of PhD candidate: Matilde Mengkrog Holen
Thesis number 2022:46 ISSN 1894-6402 ISBN 978-82-575-1918-6

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