29 Apr – Nana Wentzel Thorringer (BIOVIT)

Av Mara Dagestad

PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence
Nana Wentzel Thorringer, Faculty of Biosciences (BIOVIT) will defend her PhD thesis "Carbohydrate digestion in horses. Methods, processing, and future perspectives" on 29 April 2022.

Norwegian title of thesis:

"Karbohydratfordøyelse hos hester. Metoder, bearbeiding og fremtidsperspektiver"

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:

“Using processing methods for optimising the nutritional value of grains and maintaining the gastrointestinal health in horses - advantages and concerns for feed companies?”

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:

Friday 29 April at 12.15, H109 Husdyrfagbygget, NMBU

Alternatively, you may attend this event via Zoom: https://nmbu.zoom.us/j/63234306810

Evaluation committee:

Prof. Veronique Julliand, Agrosup Dijon
Prof. Jo-Anne Murray, University of Glasgow
Postdoc. Sabine Anne-Lie Ferneborg, NMBU


Main supervisor: Postdoc. Rasmus Bovbjerg Jensen, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Prof. Martin Riis Weisbjerg, Aarhus University

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library.
Thesis number 2022:7, ISSN 1894-6402, ISBN 978-82-575-1884-4

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