PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence
Zerihun Asrat Kutie , Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA) will defend his PhD thesis "Modelling and estimating tree and forest resources of the Dry Afromontane forests in South-central Ethiopia using field and remotely sensed data", on 30 October 2020.
Norwegian title of the thesis
"Modellering og estimering av tre- og skogressurser i de tørre afromontane skogene i det sør-sentrale Etiopia ved bruk av feltinventering og fjernmåling".
Prescribed subject of the trial lecture
Remote sensing techniques for forest inventory in East Africa.
Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence
Friday 30 October 2020, at 12.15.
This public defence will be held partly in digital form since physical presence is hindered as a result of the Corona situation. The disputation can be attended by using the following link in Zoom:
All are welcome to attend the digital meeting, but please read the guidelines below before you open the link. This is to make sure that the disputation can be held without too much interruptions and noise.
Evaluation committee
First opponent: Professor Henrik Meilby, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Second opponent: Professor Timo Erkki Tokola, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Committee coordinator: Dr. Meley Mekonen Rannestad (MINA, NMBU)
Main supervisor: Professor Terje Gobakken
Co-supervisor: Professor Tron Eid
Co-supervisor: Professor Erik Næsset
Co-supervisor: Research Professor Hans Ole Ørka
Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Mesele Negash, Hawassa University, Ethiopia
Guidelines for attendance
- Do not use camera.
- Mute your microphone.
- In Zoom you will first be placed in the waiting room. Please introduce yourself with your name, rather than with your IP address or computer name.
- If anyone has a question and wants to oppose ‘ex auditorio’, please write in the chat window of Zoom (1) “XY (your name) has a question" and (2) the question in brief. The chair of the defence will evaluate whether your question is opportune, and you will be given the word after the two opponents have concluded.
- When you are being given the word, you switch on your microphone and camera. Ensure briefly whether you are being heard.
- We advise you to test your own equipment before attending.
- The chat is not be used for general discussions.
The doctoral thesis is available for public review. For those of you who want access to the thesis in pdf-form, please send an email to Ole Wiggo Røstad –