PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence Viktorija Viciunaite, School of Economics and Business (HH), will defend her PhD thesis "Moving towards sustainability: business models and entrepreneurship in the Norwegian wool industry" on 26 February 2020.
Norwegian title of thesis:
"Å bevege seg mot bærekraft: forretningsmodeller og entreprenørskap i norsk ullindustri"
Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
"A cursory overview of empirical sustainable business model research methods – a critical reflection, the way forward and its relevance for business practice"
Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
Wednesday 26 February, 2020 at 12:15 hrs, at the Festivity Hall (Festsalen) U215, at the Clock Building (Ur), NMBU Campus Ås.
Evaluation committee:
First opponent: Professor Florian Lüdeke-Freund, ESCP Europe Business School, Germany.
Second opponent: Professor Erlend Nybakk, Kristiania University College, Norway.
Committee coordinator: Associate Professor Silja Korhonen-Sande, School of Economics and Business, NMBU.
Main supervisor: Professor Frode Alfnes, HH, NMBU
Co-supervisors: Professor Siw Fosstenløkken, HH, NMBU, Associate Professor Elin Kubberød, HH, NMBU
The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library. Thesis number 2020:6, ISSN: 1894-6402, ISBN: 978-82-575-1672-7.