Jordskifte, eiendomsutvikling og eiendomsregistrering
Møter og arrangement i 2019
Fredag 1. februar - Lunsjseminar. Forenkling av saksbehandlingsrutiner/ mekling i saker for jordskifteretten. Innleder: jordskifterettsleder Øystein Jakob Bjerva, Akershus og Oslo jordskifterett. Kl. 11.00 - 13.00. Sted: Det Gule rommet i Økonomibygningen.
Torsdag 14. februar - Internasjonal publisering - satsingsområde 2019. Arbeidsmøte. Kl. 09.00 - 11.00. Sted: Juss-stua på Ormen Lange
Fredag 12. april - Leikny Gammelmo skal forsvare doktoravhandlingen: Forsvarlig saksbehandling av søknad om endring av fast eiendom. Tid: 12.00, sted: TU101 «filmrommet» i Tårnbygningen.
Torsdag 23. mai - Midtveisseminar Sæmund Stokstad. Opponent jordskiftedommer, ph.d. Solfrid Mykland Fjell. Det Gule rommet i Økonomibygningen. Start kl. 12.15 - 15.00.
Torsdag 20. juni - Studentene våre presenterer masteroppgavene. Mye god forskning. Seminaret er gratis og åpent for alle. Campus NMBU. Start kl. 08.15. Program og gradsbrosjyre.
Fredag 6. september - Felles seminar om jordskifte med naturressursgruppa på juridisk fakultet i Oslo. Sted og tidspunkt: TBA
Onsdag 18. september - Nordisk seminar i jordskifte. Avlyst. Nytt seminar om internasjonalt jordskifte er under planlegging i 2020.
Torsdag 28. november - Nordisk ombudsmannsmøte besøker Institutt for eiendom og juss.
Foredrag / conference paper 2019 (noen er tilgjengelig i fulltekst):
Terje Holsen and Elin Børud: The urban planning split. The 9th International and Interdiscplinary Symposium of the European Academy of Land Use and Development (EALD). Land Use and Land Development in the Field of Tensions Between Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability. Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, 5.-9. September 2019.
Terje Holsen: Between regulatory zoning and discretionary practice – current trends in Norwegian land-use planning practice. The 9th Nordic Planning Research Symposium, Track 4: Planning methods in practice – Planning methods and practices NMBU Campus Ås and Oscarsborg, Norway, 21.-23. August 2019.
Katrine Broch Hauge, Ingunn E. Myklebust and Martin Lund Iversen: Co-managing two areas for aquaculture consents in Norway. Can municipalities manage environmental impacts from the aquaculture industry? The 9th Nordic Planning Research Symposium, NMBU Campus Ås and Oscarsborg, Norway, 21.-23. August 2019.
Katrine Broch Hauge: Planning for aquaculture in an indigenous perspective. The 9th Nordic Planning Research Symposium, NMBU Campus Ås and Oscarsborg, Norway, 21.-23. August 2019.
Terje Holsen: A path dependent systems perspective on participation in municipal land-use planning in Norway. AESOP, Planning for transition, Track 14: Planning, Law and Property Right, Venice, 9.-13. July 2019.
Knut Boge and Line Bøe Skreosen: Changing the engine while driving – How a mature internal FM organization managed imposition of VAT neutrality. 27th EFMC/18th EuroFM Research Symposium i Dublin, 12.-14. June 2019.
Knut Boge, Rebecca Sjølingstad Olsen and Hanne Marit Vågen: When you must prioritize – Activity based working for students. 27th EFMC/18th EuroFM Research Symposium i Dublin, 12.-14. June 2019.
Helén Elisabeth Elvestad and Per Kåre Sky: Paper. Land consolidation, effects and rural development. RSA Annual Conference 2019 “Pushing regions beyond their borders.” Santiago de Compostela, 5.-7. June 2019. Book of abstracts.
Veronica Trygstad: The Land Consolidation Act is challenging the Cadastre as a national shared component. The point of intersection between the Cadastre Act and the Land Consolidation Act. Singapore Land Authority, 9. April 2019.
Helén Elisabeth Elvestad: Negative Covenants in Densification Projects - Cadastral Challenges. FIG, Working week, Hanoi, 22.-26. April 2019. Fulltekst: Paper
Helén Elisabeth Elvestad and Per Kåre Sky: From Rural to Urban Land Consolidation - an Analysis of Recent Urban Cases Treated in the Norwegian Land Consolidation Court. FIG, Working week, Hanoi, 22.-26. April 2019. Fulltekst: Paper
Helén Elisabeth Elvestad and Terje Holsen: Negative covenants and planning law - the case of suburban densification in Oslo, Norway. International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights. “Preparing for Climate Change in the Planned and Unplanned City” 18.-22. February 2019 at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX, USA.
Helén Elisabeth Elvestad and Per Kåre Sky: From rural to urban land consolidation - An analysis of recent changes in Norwegian land consolidation. International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights. “Preparing for Climate Change in the Planned and Unplanned City” 18.-22. February 2019 at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX, USA.
Artikler og fulltekst paper som er publisert i 2019:
Sky, P.K. and Elvestad, H.E. (2020). Land consolidation - an emotional process for the parties involved. In: Sante. I.R. (Ed.). Land management. Transferring valuable knowledge to future generations. University of Santiago de Compostela. [Forthcoming]
Holsen, T. (2019). A path dependent systems perspective on participation in municipal land-use planning in Norway. AESOP, Planning for transition, Track 14: Planning, Law and Property Right, Venice, 9.-13. July 2019.
Eika, A. (2019). Urban development and cooperation games. Journal of Property Research, Vol. 36(3), 291-311.
Elvestad, H.E. and Sky, P.K. (2019). Effects of Land Consolidation in Norway. Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research, Vol. 14:1, 64-78.
Elvestad, H.E. (2019): Negative Covenants in Densification Projects - Cadastral Challenges. FIG, Working week, Hanoi, 22.-26. April 2019.
Elvestad, H.E. and Sky, P.K. (2019): From Rural to Urban Land Consolidation - an Analysis of Recent Urban Cases Treated in the Norwegian Land Consolidation Court. FIG, Working week, Hanoi, 22.-26. April 2019.