25 Okt - Hege Hellberg (VET)

Av Tine Holmsen-Ringstad

PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defense
Hege Hellberg, Department of Basic sciences and Aquatic medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will defend her PhD thesis “Teleost gut morphology in sickness and in health, with emphasis on mast cell ontogeny and alimentary canal development in common wolffish, Anarhichas lupus Linnaeus, 1758”  on the 25th of October.

Norwegian title:
"Morfologiske studier av mage-/tarmkanalen hos benfisk under sykdom og normale forhold, med hovedvekt på mastcelleontogeni og fordøyelseskanalens utvikling hos gråsteinbit, Anarhichas lupus Linnaeus, 1758"

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
“The mucosal immune system in fish and its alteration under pathological circumstances”

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defense:
25th of October

Trial lecture: 09.15
Public defense: 11.15

The Festival Hall (3rd floor, main building)
NMBU Campus Adamstuen
Ullevålsveien 72
0454 Oslo

Evaluation committee:
Associate professor Irene Salinas, University of New Mexico, USA
Professor Emilio Jirillo, University of Bari, Italy
Professor Henning Andreas Haga, NMBU

Professor Erling Olaf Koppang, NMBU

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library.
Thesis number 2019:59, ISSN 1894-6402, ISBN 978-82-575-1619-2

Publisert - Oppdatert

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