12 Apr - Leikny Gammelmo (LANDSAM)

Av Sheena Gilchrist Lisland

Leikny Gammelmo
Leikny GammelmoFoto: Øivind Gammelmo

Leikny Gammelmo, Department of Property and Law, Faculty for Landscape and Society will defend her thesis "Sound procedures of handling applications for changing real property. An investigation and evaluation of the practices of public administration in Norwegian municipalities in 2015" on 12 April 2019

Norwegian title of thesis:

Forsvarlig saksbehandling av søknad om endring av fast eiendom. En undersøkelse og evaluering av norske kommuners praksis i 2015

Prescribed title of trial lecture:

En sammenligning mellom eiendomsdannelse i henhold til plan- og bygningsloven og jordskifteloven (grensedragning av bruksområde, prosesser og aktører)

Time and place for the trial lecture and public defence:

Friday 12 April at 12:15, Tower building, TU101, Campus Ås

The trial lecture and public defence wil be conducted in Norwegian.

Evaluation Committee:

Associate Professor Line Træholt Hvingel, COWI Danmark and Department of Planning, Aalborg University, Denmark

Professor Peter Eckbäck, Department of Real Estate Planning & Land Law, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Associate Professor Terje Holsen, Department of Property and Law, NMBU, Norway


Main supervisor: Professor Per-Kåre Sky, Department of Property and Law, NMBU

Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Einar Hegstad, Department of Property and Law, NMBU

Co-supervisor: Associate Professor / Senior Adviser Karen Eg Taraldrud, Department of Property and Law, NMBU

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at he NMBU library. The thesis number is 2018:95, ISSN 1894-6402, ISBN 978-82-575-1563-8

Publisert - Oppdatert

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