13 Dec – Runi Weihe (BIOVIT)

Av Mara Dagestad

PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence
Runi Weihe, Faculty of Biosciences (BIOVIT) will defend his PhD thesis ” Dynamic dietary salmon farming in the Faroe Islands with regards to production, quality and economic improvements" on 13 December 2018.

Norwegian title of thesis:
"Ernæringsmessig dynamisk lakseoppdrett på Færøyene med hensyn til produksjon,kvalitet og økonomiske forbedringer"

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
“New methods to evaluate nutritional quality of feed”

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
Thursday 13 December 2018 at 12:15 in the Auditorium H109, Husdyrfagbygningen, Ås

Evaluation committee:
Professor Sigurjòn Arason, The Faculty of Food Processing and Nutrition, School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland/Matis, Island
Professor Mette Sørensen, Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture, Nord University, Bodø, Norway
Professor Anna Haug, NMBU

Main supervisor: Professor Magny Sissel Thomassen, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Professor Kjell Arne Rørvik, Nofima/NMBU
Co-supervisor: Dr. Bjarne Hatlen, Nofima
Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Turid Mørkøre, Nofima/NMBU
Co-supervisor: Professor Bente Ruyter, Nofima/NMBU
Co-supervisor: Dr. Jonhard Eysturskard, Fiskaaling

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library.
Thesis number 2018:104, ISSN 1894-6402, ISBN 978-82-575-1570-6



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