Ny VoxTalks podcast om skatteparadis, skjulte utenlandsformuer og ulikhet

Av Annette Alstadsæter

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Høyr Tim Phillips i samtale med Skatteforsk Annette Alstadsæter.

I den anerkjente podcast-serien VoxTalks forteller Annette Alstadsæter om forskningen saman med Niels Johannesen og Gabriel Zucman, som bereknar omfanget og konsekvensane av skjulte formuer i skatteparadis.

"It's routine for the rich to dodge tax by hiding it offshore. But how much of their wealth are they hiding illegally? Tim Phillips talks to Annette Alstadsæter of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences about how she and her colleagues used whistleblower data to discover the extent of tax evasion by the ultra-rich."

Høyr podcasten her: https://voxeu.org/vox-talks/tax-evasion-and-inequality. Kan også lastast ned fra ITunes.

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