Onsdag 7. februar vil Peter Kennedy holde ei gjesteførelesing om karbonfluks i skogsjord. Open for alle!
Tittel: Which fungi control the flux of carbon into and out of forest soils?
Foredragsholder: Peter Kennedy, Department of Plant & Microbial Biology, University of Minnesota
Dato: 7. februar, 2018
Tid: 13.15-14.00
Stad: S121, Sørhellinga
The ecological roles of fungi have been traditionally divided into three categories: pathogens, saprotrophs, and mutualists. With regard to the flux of carbon into soil, mycorrhizal fungi have long been recognized as important contributors via symbioses with plant roots. Conversely, the release of carbon back into the atmosphere via organic matter decomposition has been considered the exclusive realm of saprotrophic fungi. Despite this often-cited dichotomy, there is growing evidence to suggest that ectomycorrhizal fungi may directly or indirectly control the rates of organic matter decomposition in forest soils. In this talk, I will discuss current research from our lab that indicates that the presence of ectomycorrhizal fungi can strongly influence the decomposition of both plant litter (via indirect effects on saprotrophic fungi) and dead fungal residues (via direct effects as the dominant guild present on fungal necromass). Collectively, this work suggests that organic matter decomposition is not dominated by a single fungal guild, but rather likely co-dominated by both saprotrophic and ectomycorrhizal fungi.