24 Oct - Arnar Mar Buason (HH)

Av Lise Thoen

PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence Public Defence – Arnar Mar Buason (HH) Arnar Mar Buason will defend his PhD thesis “Time and Money: A Study of Purchasing Decisions” on October 24. 2017

Norwegian title of thesis: “Tid og Penger: En studie av Innkjøpsbeslutninger”

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture: “Variety seeking behavior: An overview of the economic literature and methodology”

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
Tuesday October 24. At 12.15

Room T401

Tower Building,


Members of the evaluation committee are:
First opponent: Professor Xavier Irz, Natural Resource Institute, Finland

Second opponent: Professor Øystein Myrland, Business School, University of Tromsø

Committee coordinator: Professor Frode Alfnes, NMBU School of Economics and Business

The candidate’s supervisory group consists of:
Main supervisor: Professor Kyrre Richertsen, NMBU School of Economics and Business
Co-supervisor: Professor Dadi Kristofferson, School of Social Sciences, University of Iceland

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