I september kom to nye NBER working papers om skatteparadis frå SKATTEFORSK-prosjektet "How to tax capital in a globalized world?", og begge har fått oppslag i The Economist.
1. juni 2017 skreiv The Economist: "The super-rich are different: they pay less tax. The Swiss leaks and Panama papers open a window on the tax-dodger’s world". Heile artikkelen kan lesast her:
Artikkelen bygger på "Tax Evasion and Inequality", av Annette Alstadsæter, Niels Johannesen, og Gabriel Zucman, NBER working paper 23772, 2017.
7.oktober 2017 skreiv The Economist: "Buried treasure. A new study details the wealth hidden in tax havens. But even the new data are patchy and do not fully account for all wealth". Heile artikkelen kan lesast her: https://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-economics/21730046-even-new-data-are-patchy-and-do-not-fully-account-all-wealth-new.
Artikkelen bygger på "Who Owns the Wealth in Tax Havens? Macro Evidence and Implications for Global Inequality", av Annette Alstadsæter, Niels Johannesen, og Gabriel Zucman, NBER working paper 23805, 2017.