Trade and Commodity Markets profile

Av Kateryna Krutskykh

Master of Science in Economics gives you the opportunity to specialize in one out of five profiles. One of them is Trade and Commodity Markets profile.

For the M.Sc. in Economics you can choose between five specializations that teach you to apply rigorous economic theories and methods to analyze different sets of question:

"Trade and Commodity Markets" addresses questions like: How to conduct physical or virtual transactions of buying and selling raw or primary commodities? How does the different financial instruments work? Why globalization of trade? How to construct international trade agreements?

BUS323 Commodity Market Analysis (Norwegian) 10S
BUS321Empirical Analysis of Financial and Commodity Markets, Theory5Jun
ECN331International Economics and Finance5Aug
ECN330Economic Integration and Trade10F
ECN260 Agricultural policy (Norwegian)10F
ECN263 Food Industry Economics (Norwegian)5Jan
M30-ECONMaster thesis with seminar 30Jan/S

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