Energy Economics profile

Av Kateryna Krutskykh

Master of Science in Economics gives you the opportunity to specialize in one out of five profiles. One of them is Energy Economics profile.

For the M.Sc. in Economics you can choose between five specializations that teach you to apply rigorous economic theories and methods to analyze different sets of question:

"Energy Economics" addresses questions like:  How do energy markets works? When and how to regulate the energy markets?  How does national and international climate- and environmental policies affects the energy markets? Is leaving the oil in the ground the best climate policy? What does the sustainable energy future look like?

ECN280Energy Economics10S
ECN380Energy Markets and Regularion10F
ECN371Environmental Economics 10S
BUS321Empirical Analysis of Financial and Commodity Markets, Theory5Jun
ECN372Climate and Environmental Economics10F
M30-ECONMaster Thesis with seminar30Jan/S

1) Students with little background in econometrics in their bachelor degree can take ECN 201 the first year, and then ECN301 the second year.

For this plan the students need to have the course BUS220 Finance and Investment in the bachelor degree.

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