17 June - PhD Defence Carolin Fischer (INA)

Av Kari Elise Moxnes

Norwegian title of thesis:
"Densitet og bøyeegenskaper til konstruksjonslast av gran (Picea abies (L.) Karst) – Iboende variasjon, bestandseffekter ved styrkesortering og muligheter for forsortering"

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
"Structural timber properties in the future – effects of climate change and end-product demands"

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence: 
Friday 17 June 2016 at 12:15, Auditorium (SU105) Sørhellinga, Høgskoleveien 12, Ås

Evaluation committee:
First opponent: Dr. Erkki Verkasalo, Natural Resources Institute (Luke), Finland
Second opponent: Dr. Charlotte Bengtsson, Skogforsk - The Forestry Research Institute of Sweden
Committee coordinator: Professor emeritus Birger Eikenes, Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, NMBU

Main supervisor: Professor Geir I. Vestøl, Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Professor Olav Høibø, Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Managing Director Audun Øvrum, Norsk Virkesmåling

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library
Thesis number 2016:43, ISSN 1894-6402, ISBN 978-82-575-1368-9.

Publisert - Oppdatert

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