ZooPa er et samarbeidsprosjekt som bringer NMBU og the Postgraduate Institute for Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) in Chandigarh, India - sammen.
NMBU-studenter har nå sjansen til å delta i ZooPa: gjennom utveksling, en workshop, et forskningsprosjekt eller på et hands-on kurs.
ZooPa prosjektet går nå inn i sitt tredje år.
Prosjektet er en del av One Health, og befatter seg med å dele metoder og kunnskap om veterinær- og humanmedisinsk forskning på zoonotiske infeksjoner, med spesielt fokus på matoverførte og vannbårne parasitter.
Les mer under One Health-illustrasjonen:

Information in english:
The ZooPa project is now entering its third year. ZooPa is a collaborative project funded by the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (Senter for internasjonalisering av utdanning, SIU) and brings together
NMBU and the Postgraduate Institute for Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) in Chandigarh, India.
The focus of the entire project is One Health, and is concerned with sharing tools and knowledge on veterinary and human medical research on zoonotic infections, with specific focus on foodborne and waterborne parasites.
In the first two years of ZooPa the following activities were conducted:
1) One Health workshops for PGIMER biomedical students in India (conducted by Norwegian visiting professors)
2) One Health workshops for NMBU students in Oslo (conducted by Indian visiting professors)
3) Hands-on intensive courses for NMBU students held in India
4) Hands-on intensive courses for PGIMER students held in Norway
5) Exchange visits between NMBU students and PGIMER, with field data collection, lab projects, and small research projects, either stand-alone or as part of larger research projects already in place, being conducted in the contrasting country.
This is not only a chance to participate in some concrete One Health initiatives, but for NMBU students it is a chance to visit India and experience a completely different, and colourful culture – all expenses are paid by the ZooPa funding.
If you have an interest in parasitology and One Health and would like to take the opportunity to get involved, then there may well be an opening for you in ZooPa - perhaps an exchange, a workshop, a research project, or a hands-on course.
For further details, please get in touch with Lucy Robertson at NMBU (lucy.robertson@nmbu.no) and she will let you know what opportunities are coming up in the months ahead.
In addition, if you have an idea for a short-term parasitology project that you would like to undertake at PGIMER or NMBU, it is possible that you will be able to fit into the ZooPa programme. Please send a mail with details of the Project you want to undertake.