Norwegian title of thesis:
Karakterisering av biomassen til enkelttrær for forbedret biomasseestimering i norske skoger
Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
The relationship between within-tree biomass allocation and forest productivity: Implications for forest management, inventories, and carbon maximization
Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
Thursday 22 October 2015 at 12:15
Auditorium Vitenparken, Campus Ås
Evaluation committee:
Dr. Pierre Bernier, Government of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Laurentian Forestry Centre, Canada
Dr. Christopher Woodall, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, USA
Associate Professor Line Nybakken, NMBU, Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management
Professor Andreas Brunner, NMBU, Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management (Main supervisor)
Researcher Dr. Rasmus Astrup, NIBIO (Co-supervisor)
Researcher Dr. Aksel Granhus, NIBIO (Co-supervisor)
Adjunct Professor Halvor Solheim, NMBU, Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management / NIBIO (Co-supervisor)
The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library.
Thesis number 2015:60, ISSN 1894-6402, ISBN: 978-82-575-1299-6.