Brownbag seminars

Av Kateryna Krutskykh

Brownbag seminars - calendar

The department organizes brownbag seminars in room T452 - everyone is welcome!

Please bring your own lunch and enjoy the seminar.




11/9 12.15 PM: Lassi Ahlvik, NHH:
"Tax neutrality, entry and discoveries: Evidence from oil drilling in the North Sea"

 19/6 2.00 PM: Alicia Moreno, University of La Rioja:
"Analysis of distance universities. Scientific production, coverage in the media and alumni profiles."

 29/5 12.30 PM: Martin Blomhoff Holm, UiO:
"Saving Behavior across the Wealth Distribution"

2/5 12.15 PM: Stein T. Holden, NMBU-HH:
"The Devil is in the Details: Risk Preferences, Choice List Design, and Measurement Error"

11/4 12.15 PM: Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet, CIRED (Centre international de recherche sur l'environnement et le développement):
"Social-environmental-economic trade-offs associated with carbon-tax revenue recycling" 

3/4 12.30 PM: Bjørnar Karlsen Kivedal, Høgskolen i Østfold:
"The Environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2 emissions in the US and the I(2) cointegration model"

29/3 12.15 PM: John-Arne Skolebekken, NTNU:
"Meaningless numbers: reflections on risk & causality" 

27/2 12.30 PM: Simen Gaure and Rolf Golombek, Frisch Centre:
“True or not true: Carbon-free electricity generation is possible”

15/2 12.15 PM: Anders Huitfeldt, London School of Economics and Political Science:
"A new approach to generalizability of causal effects”

5/2 12.15 PM: Per Espen Stoknes, BI:
"Transformation is feasible. How to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals within Planetary Boundaries"


4/12 12:15 PM: Bianca Cavicchi, NIBIO:
"Limits to sustainable bioenergy development in Norway: a qualitative system dynamics analysis" 

28/11 12:15 PM: Olvar Bergland, HH-NMBU:
"Estimating Demand Response from Smart Meter Readings: A Structural Deep Machine Learning Approach"

26/9 14:15 PM: Ragnar Torvik, NTNU:
"A political economy theory of state centralization"

28/8 9:00 AM: Thomas S. Jayne, Michigan State University:
"The Rise of Medium-Scale Farms in Africa: Causes and Consequences of Changing Farm Size Distributions"

20/6 12:15 PM: A. Can Inci, Bryant University:
"Gender Disparities: Information Access and Firm Performance"

23/5 12:15 PM: Rosa Manzo, University of Oslo:
"The principle of equity in the context of new climate change regime"

22/3 12:30 PM: Claire Brunel, American University:
"Climate change and internal migration in Brazil: The role of geography and road infrastructure

14/3 12:15 PM: Knut Røed, Frisch Centre:
"Does the Wealth Tax kill jobs?"

28/2 1:15 PM: Birthe Larsen, Copenhagen Business School:
“Underground activities and labour market performance”


29/12 12:15 PM: Shawn Michael Pope, HH-NMBU:
"Categories and Contexts: Drivers of Corporate Reputation Beyond the Borders of the Firm"

15/11 12:15 PM: Håkon Johannessen, Oslopolitiet:
"Developments in the criminal investigation process"

1/11 12:15 PM: Joachim Scholderer, HH-NMBU:

11/10 12:15 PM: Glen Peters, Cicero:
"Emissions slowdown: Are we on the way to 2C?"

9/6 12:15 PM: Frank Jotzo, Australian National University:
"Coal taxes as supply-side climate policy, and the political economy of climate policy in Australia"

7/6 12:15 PM: Jon Strand, UiO:
"Economic valuation of rainforest cover changes in the Brazilian Amazon"

26/4 12:15 PM: Øivind Schøyen, NHH:
"What limits the powerful in imposing the morality of their authority?”

5/4 12:15 PM: Helene Lie Røhr, BI/Telenor:
"Price Changes and Inertia: Evidence from Mobile Subscriptions"

31/3 12:15 PM: Jens Bolvig, Maersk Oil (Denmark):
"Maersk Oil: Reorganizing, Relocating & Re-strategizing – all in parallel!
How to cope, manage and lead from the perspective of the Head of HR in Maersk Oil, Denmark"

15/3 12:15 PM: Natalia Bodrug, BI:
"Return to the Intergenerational Occupational Persistence"

1/3 12:15 AM: Silja Korhonen-Sande, HH-NMBU: 
"Explaining the informational influence of sales and marketing - The effect of customer orientation on symbolic use of customer information"

8/2 12:15 PM: Björn Vollan, University of Marburg:
"Self-governance and punishment: An experimental study among Namibian forest users"


14/12 12:15 PM: Seminar, Stein Holden, HH-NMBU:
"Youth as Environmental Custodians – A Potential Tragedy of Commons or a Sustainable Business Model?"

7/12 12:15 PM: Seminar, Samantha Copeland, HH-NMBU:
"Organizing for Unexpected Innovations – Serendipity and Open Science”

30/11 12:15 PM: Seminar, Katinka Holtsmark, University of Oslo:
"Green bandits"

2/11 12:00 PM: Seminar, Dag Einar Sommervoll, ILP-NMBU:
"Getting more by asking for less: The efficacy of a strategically low ask in the real estate market"

5/10 12:15 PM: Seminar, Daniele Asioli, Nofima:
"New food product development between sensory and marketing sciences in experimental consumer studies: some current research trends"

28/9 12:15 PM: Seminar, Ole Gjølberg, HH-NMBU:
"The management of the Norwegian Oil Fund. A success story"

24/8 12:15 PM: Seminar, Jan Schneider, University of Oldenburg:
"Trade in carbon and the effectiveness of carbon tariffs"

17/8 12:15 PM: Seminar, Nicolay Worren, HH-NMBU:
"Operationalizing the concept of functional conflict in strategy and organization theory”

27/6 12:15 PM: Seminar, Jerald Fletcher, West Virginia University:
"A Developing Perspective on Fossil Energy Use and Carbon Management in China: A View from the US"

1/6 12:15 PM: Seminar Snorre Kverndokk, Frisch Centre:
"Using fees to reduce bed-blocking: A game between hospitals and care providers"

20/4 12:15 PM: Seminar Jan Bråten, Statnett:
"Green reconstruction of the energy system"

7/3 10:00 AM: Conversation with Georges Romme, Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands):
"What is the key purpose of business schools?"

10/2 12:15 PM: Seminar Marius Holm, Zero:
"Samfunnsøkonomenes klimapolitikk - det enkle er ikke alltid det beste"

13/1 12:15 PM: Seminar Connor Cavanagh, Noragric: 
“Virtual Nature, violent accumulation: The `spectacular failure` of carbon offsetting at a Ugandan National Park”


9/12 12:15PM: Seminar Per Forsberg, Örebro universitet:
"The role of notched sticks for self-regulated cooperations: the accounting system in older farming villages"

24/11 12:00 - 13.30PM (in Norwegian): Seminar med Per Harald Grue, tidligere departementsråd i Landbruksdepartementet:
Om norsk landbruks utfordringer samt hvilke kompetansebehov disse innebærer. Kommentar ved Ole Gjølberg, HH-NMBU.

19/11 12:15PM: Seminar David Adamson, University of Queensland:
"Modeling Awareness & Decision Making: The Case of Climate Change and Water Resources"

7/10 12:15PM: Seminar Siw Fosstenløkken, HH-NMBU:
"Temporal Object Dynamics: Negotiating Practices of User Innovation through Past, Present, and Future"

23/9 12:15PM: Seminar Renuka Mahadevan, University of Queensland:
"Is there a link between poverty and food security? Case study of Vietnam"

1/9 12:00PM: Seminar Gordon Orians, University of Washington:
"Our biological past. How does it help us understand our role in nature today?"

4/5 12:15PM: Seminar Mesfin Tilahun Gelaye, HH-NMBU:
"The costs of inaction and net benefits of action against  agricultural land degradation in Africa: a cost benefit analysis”

29/4 12:15PM: Seminar Torjus Bolkesjø, INA-NMBU:
"Integration of variable renewable energy and the economics of flexible energy systems"

11/3 12:15PM: Seminar Florian Diekert, UiO:
“Diversity and Diversification in Norwegian Fisheries”

11/2 12:15PM: Seminar Henrik Wiig, NIBR: 
"Women in the Colombian land restitution and titling process – A RDS household survey of IDPs"

28/1 12:15PM: Seminar Espen Haug, HH-NMBU:
"SpaceTime Finance and High Frequency Trading


10/12 1PM: Seminar Stefanos Xenarios, Norw. Inst. for Agricult. and Envir. Research (Bioforsk):
“Assessment of climate change vulnerability in drought and saline prone areas of Bangladesh through a socio-ecological approach”

26/11 1PM: Seminar Atle Guttormsen:
“Longitudinal performance development in running and jumping for competitive track and field athletes”

20/11 12.15: T. Randall Fortenbery, Washington State University:
"The role of derivative speculation on commodity cash price volatility"

29/10 1PM: Seminar Anja Tolonen, Univ of Gothenburg / World Bank: 
"Local Industrial Shocks, Female Empowerment and Infant Mortality: Evidence from Africa's Gold Mining Industry"

10/9 1PM: Seminar Ståle Navrud:
"In deep water? Valuing marine ecosystem services"

27/8 1PM: Seminar Dadi Kristofersen:
“Fishing for profits”



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