Dr. Sosina Bezu is employed as researcher

Dr. Sosina Bezu is employed as researcher on the project "Joint Certification and Household Land Allocation: - Towards Empowerment or Marginalization?"

She is engaged on the project, funded under FRISAM, Research Council of Norway, from February 1, 2012 till October 31, 2014.


Sosina has her BSc in Economics from Addis Ababa University, her MSc and PhD from Department of Economics and Resource Management at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Professor Stein Holden was her supervisor and Professor Chris Barrett at Cornell University has been her co-supervisor.

Her PhD-dissertation focuses on factors associated with rural households' engagement in non-farm activities and its dynamics in Ethiopia and how this affects their welfare using the Ethiopian Rural Household Panel Survey. She completed her PhD in 2010.

She has published one paper with Stein Holden as coauthor in the international journal Food Policy and has two other papers accepted for publication in the journals World Development and Journal of Development Studies.


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