The Centre for Land Tenure Studies (CLTS) at UMB invites to a presentation by Jean-Philippe Platteau: "The Effect of Land Scarcity on Farm Structure: Empirical Evidence from Mali". The presentation takes place on Wednesday, October 10, 12:30 – 14:30 at Thor Larsen Attic at Tivoli, UMB.
Jean-Philippe Platteau is a professor at the University of Namur, Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Business Administration, Centre for Research in Economic Development.
He has written extensively on land rights, institutions, and economic development.
Professor Platteau has won the Dudley Seers Prize for best paper of the year in Journal of Development Studies and features in the Who is Who in Economics list of the 1000 most cited economists in the world.
Title: The Effect of Land Scarcity on Farm Structure: Empirical Evidence from Mali
Working paper: The Effect of Land Scarcity on Farm Structure: Empirical Evidence from Mali
Date and time: Wednesday, October 10, 12:30 – 14:30
Place: Thor Larsen Attic at Tivoli, UMB, Ås (see map - building 28)