
Her finner du oversikten over de workshops der CLTS deltok i.

Workshops 2015

Stein Holden holdt foredrag med tittelen "Policies for Improved Food Security: Lessons from Farm Household Studies" på Workshop on Local Level Food and Nutrition Security & The Role of Subsistence/Smallholder Farms, Seville, 9.-10. september.

Workshops 2014

Stein Holden holdt foredrag med tittelen "Agricultural Household Models and Heterogeneity: Exploring Input Subsidy Impacts in Malawi" på CGIAR Independent Science and Partnership Council International Workshop "Measuring the Poverty Impacts of Agricultural Research" i Ruttan Hall, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 26. juli.

Workshops 2013

Stein Holden og Sosina Bezu holdt foredrag med tittelen "Links between Tenure Security and Food Security: Evidence from Ethiopia" og "Joint Land certification and intra-household decision-making: Towards Empowerment of wives?" på workshop organisert av Lands Directorate in Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia, 26. august.

CLTS og UN-Habitat arrangerte workshop med tittelen "Youth, Gender and Land Rights: Global Initiatives and Local Actions" på Litteraturhuset i Oslo, 13. juni. Sosina Bezu holdt foredrag med tittelen "Land Access and Youth Livelihood Opportunities in Ethiopia", Stein Holden "Strengthened Land Rights and Impacts on Women in Ethiopia", Erling Berge "Lineage and Land Reforms in Malawi: Do Matrilinear and Patrilinear Landholding Systems Represent a Problem for Land Reforms in Malawi?". Paneldebatten ble holdt av Doug Ragan, Stein Holden, Kate Fairlie, Clarissa Augustinus "Panel Discussion: North-South Perspectives on Youth Livelihood Opportunities", "Ethiopian maids 'abused in Middle East".

Workshops 2012

CLTS arrangerte workshop for Land Tenure Reform Bok Prosjekt med tittelen "Land Tenure Reforms: Impacts on Poverty and Natural Resource Management. What Can We Learn? ", 29. -30. mai, Jevnaker, Norge.

CLTS, Norfund og Kartverket arrangerte  workshop med tittelen "Large-scale Land Acquisitions in the South: Commercialization for Poverty Reduction or Marginalization of the Poor?", 28. november, Litteraturhuset, Oslo. Stein Holden holdt foredrag med tittelen "New International Land Governance Responses to Rising Demand for Land in Africa".

Stein Holden presenterte paperet "Links between Tenure Security and Food Security: Evidence from Ethiopia" på workshop arrangerte av Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 2. november, Washington DC.

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