16 Apr - Jens Kværner (MINA)

Av Cathrine Glosli

Jens Kværner, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management, will defend his Dr. Philos. thesis “Vulnerability and impacts on peatlands and groundwater by tunnelling in crystalline rocks”, on April 16 2018.

Public Defence – Jens Kværner, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management.

Dr. Philos. degree – Trial Lectures and Public Defence.

Norwegian / English title of thesis:
«Sårbarhet og påvirkning på myr og grunnvann av tunneler i krystallinske bergarter» / “Vulnerability and impacts on peatlands and groundwater by tunnelling in crystalline rocks”

The title of the trial lecture on a chosen topic:
“The development of the mapping and understanding of Quaternary deposits in the central part of Romerike”

The title of the trial lecture on a (by the evaluation committee) specified topic:
"Modelling of boreal wetland areas in a changing environment - a critical review"

Time and place for the trial lectures and the public defence:
16 April 2018 at the auditorium SKP, Kirkeveien 16, 1432 Ås

Trial lecture chosen topic: 10:00 hrs
Trial lecture specified topic: 12:30 hrs
Public defence: 13:30 hrs

Evaluation committee:
First opponent: Professor Bo Olofsson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, (KTH), Swe-den
Second opponent: Associate Professor Jeff McKenzie, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Committee coordinator: Associate Professor Helen French, MINA, NMBU

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library.
Thesis number 2018:01, ISSN 0809-6392, ISBN 978-82-575-1455-6.



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