Green Data Lab - A hub for research and innovation within data analysis for sustainability

We aim to:
- Establish a platform for collaboration on data analysis at Campus Ås
- Initiate project collaboration within data analysis
- Contribute to giving research communities easier access to existing data by offering advice and support for those who own the data.
- Enter into research collaboration with industry to identify sustainability challenges that can be addressed by exploiting data.
- Make the data analysis environment at Campus Ås visible nationally and internationally through active participation in interest organisations, at conferences, etc.
- Recruit students for doctoral and master's theses in collaboration with industry.
Green Data Lab is still in its making. We welcome researchers and companies to join us in developing the hub further in a joint effort for a sustainable future.
E-mail: greendatalab@nmbu.no

Digital Food Vision 2030
By 2030, Norwegian food production, farm to fork, will be at the forefront in adopting digital innovations that secures competitiveness and safe, high quality food, produced in a climate-smart way.
Green Data Lab will be known as Norway's strongest academic environment for this development.