OIKOS Norway 2023 - The 6th conference of the Norwegian Ecological Society (OIKOS)
Conference: Ecology on a used planet
Human land use and activities have altered ecosystems across the planet. Understanding the drivers and impacts of biodiversity loss and climate change is essential to ensure sustainable use of the Earth’s limited resources.
The main topic of this conference is the dilemma between the society’s adaptation to climate change, such as development of green energy and the land use required, and at the same time conserve nature and biodiversity.
There will be a quiz and social gathering on Monday evening.
We welcome all researchers, students, managers, policy-makers, government officials, members of the media, and anyone interested in ecology and the natural world.
Partners and sponsors

Monday 13: Workshops
Workshop schedules are as follows:
Time | Event | Place |
10:00 – 16:00 | Managing ecological data Living Norway Ecological Data Network | SU113, Sørhellinga |
11:00 – 16:00 | Scientist Rebellion networking workshop | Admiralen, Bikuben |
10:00 – 16:00 | Hvordan formidle økologi og økologisk forskning - til folk flest? Anne Sverdrup Thygeson & Inger Auestad | Styrerommet, Sørhellinga (S257) |
18:00 – 22:00 | Ecology pub quiz | Ås Stasjon kafé |
Workshop descriptions
1) "Managing ecological data: Best practices for data sharing and data reuse based on transparent and reproducible workflows"
Lead: Organized by Aud Halbritter (University of Bergen) and Erlend B. Nilsen (Norwegian Institute for Nature Research and Nord University, and project leader of Living Norway Ecological Data Network)
Good data management is fundamental to high-quality research. Increasingly, universities, journals, and funding bodies demand open and reproducible research practices and data management across the scientific community.
Sharing and re-using data and FAIR principles are becoming the standard in ecology and improve the efficiency and quality of research and thus the credibility of science. Applying these practices however requires a set of data management skills.
In this workshop we will discuss what data management is and why it is important. We will show best practice in managing ecological data for sharing your own data, applying FAIR principles, and for reusing existing datasets. The workshop will also include hands-on training tools for sharing data and making reproducible documents.
The workshop is aimed at ecologists that create and/or reuse ecological data from early career researchers with little experience with data management to more experienced researchers. The hands-on training will be based on selected case studies, and implemented in statistical program R (with associated add-on packages).
Registration: Maximum number of participants is 30. Please register by sending an e-mail to oikos2023@nmbu.no. Mark the e-mail with "WORKSHOP Managing ecological data"
2) Scientist Rebellion networking workshop
The climate and biodiversity crises have accelerated to a point that demands urgent action from our societies. We scientists have a responsibility to step up to this challenge. Both the IPCC and IPBES reports paint a grim picture for the future: losses of biodiversity and whole ecosystems at scales only previously seen in mass extinctions; water and food insecurity; global threats to human health; and activation of tipping points pushing planetary systems past points of no return.
We know that the only way to guarantee a safe future — for ourselves, for our study organisms, and the rest of the natural world — is to act on this threat now, without any further delay. However, the actions needed to achieve this are not addressed and discussed in the scientific community enough, if at all.
In the Oikos Norway 2023 conference, we in Scientist Rebellion Norway want to bring ecologists as well as other scientists together to discuss our responsibility in the ecological and climate crises, and how to take collective action to create the changes needed.
We will provide a brief introduction to Scientist Rebellion, after which we can discuss together how to push for change beyond just writing papers and documenting the destruction of ecosystems.
Registration: Join us in this informal networking workshop on February 13: sign up by emailing SRTrondheim@protonmail.com
3) In Norwegian: "Hvordan formidle økologi og økologisk forskning - til folk flest?" - FULL!
Lead: Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson, NMBU, Inger Auestad Sogndal, HVL
Vil du nå fram til flere med forskningen din? Velkommen til workshop i historiefortelling, for deg som gjerne vil formidle forskning populærvitenskapelig!
Beskrivelse: På workshopen vil vi jobbe med historiefortelling – hvordan du kan finne og forme det du vil si, til en fortelling som når fram til mottakeren. Vi skal snakke om metaforer, om faguttrykk, om forenkling, om overskrifter, om å skape bilder i hodet på leseren din, og om hvordan du kan utvikle et nært og engasjerende språk som folk forstår. Opplegget blir en mosaikk av korte forelesninger, oppgaver og diskusjoner, og vi legger til rette for erfaringsutveksling. Selv om workshopen tar utgangspunkt i skriftlig populærformidling, er poengene gyldige også for andre formater.
Du trenger ikke ha noen spesiell erfaring med formidlingsarbeid, men du må ha lyst til å prøve!
Tid: 10-16, med lunsjpause fra 12-12:30
Forarbeid: Alle deltakerne må, før de kommer, ha valgt ut et vitenskapelig arbeid (eget eller andres) som de har lyst til å formidle i populærform. Dette arbeidet skal du presentere (kort og uformelt, 1 minutt) som en del av den innledende presentasjonsrunden.
Registrering: Maksimum antall deltakere på denne workshopen er 15. WORKSHOPEN ER NÅ FULL. Vil du stå på venteliste? Send e-post til oikos2023@nmbu.no.
Tuesday 14: Conference day 1
Time | Event | Place |
08:00 – 09:00 | Coffee and registration | Hovedkvarteret |
09:00 – 09:15 | Welcome | |
09:15 – 10:00 | Keynote: Professor emerita Lena Gustafsson 25 years of conservation biology research in Nordic production forest landscapes – what have we learnt? | Hovedkvarteret |
10:15 – 12:00 | Parallel sessions: | |
Forest ecology | Hovedkvarteret | |
Land use change | Kornrommet | |
12:00 – 13:00 | Lunch | |
13:00 – 13:45 | Keynote: Professor Richard Bischof What individuals do and do not teach us about populations | Hovedkvarteret |
13:45 – 14:00 | Break | |
14:00 – 15:30 | Parallel sessions: | |
Wildlife ecology | Hovedkvarteret | |
Carbon dynamics | Kornrommet | |
15:30 – 16:00 | Break | |
16:00 – 17:00 | Parallel sessions: | |
Wildlife management and monitoring | Hovedkvarteret | |
Arctic and alpine ecology | Kornrommet | |
17:00 – 18:00 | Poster session | Hovedkvarteret and Kornrommet |
18:00 – 19:00 | NØF general Assembly | Auditoriet |
19:30 – | Conference dinner | Hovedkvarteret |
Parallel sessions (Tuesday)
Forest ecology
Chair: Ruben Roos
Time: 10:15-12:00
Place: Hovedkvarteret
Time | Speaker | Title |
10:15 – 10:27 | Rannveig M. Jacobsen | Secondary metabolites and nutrients explain fungal community composition in aspen wood |
10:27 – 10:39 | Tone Birkemoe | Beetles disperse viable spores of a keystone wood decay fungus |
10:39 – 10:44 | Lea-Rebekka Tonjer | Condensed tannins mediate the effect of fertilization on soil nematodes in a boreal spruce forest |
10:44 – 10:56 | Ane Christensen Tange | Reviewing 30 years of research on measures to preserve biodiversity in boreal forest ecosystems. Making room for the specialist or broadening the way for generalist? |
10:56 – 11:01 | Danielle Creek | Current and future vulnerability of Norwegian forests to drought and heatwaves- insights from a tree dendrometer network |
11:01 – 11:15 | Break | |
11:15 – 11:20 | Douglas Sheil | Community structure explains large-scale variation in forest productivity |
11:20 – 11:32 | Eivind Handegard | Old boreal trees as biodiversity hotspots |
11:32 – 11:37 | Aida Cuni-Sanchez | Thermophilization of African mountain forests |
11:37 – 11:49 | Brunon Malicki | Unearthing the diversity of soil microeukaryots |
Land use change
Chair: Anders Gunnar Helle
Time: 10:15-12:00
Place: Kornrommet
Time | Speaker | Title |
10:15 – 10:20 | Beatrice Maria Trascau | To use or not to use: lessons from biodiversity responses to 30 years of land-use changes across Norway |
10:20 – 10:32 | Linda Aune-Lundberg | Where to build next? - Potential effects on biodiversity from continued urban growth |
10:32 – 10:44 | Gabriel Brownell Gomez | Calluna heathland management dynamics in Trøndelag |
10:44 –10:56 | Stefanie Reinhardt | Black beaches - too hot to emerge? Sand temperatures at nesting grounds of Olive Ridley Sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) on the Pacific coast of Guatemala |
10:56 – 11:01 | Rebekka Sundøy Haldorsen | Effects of urbanization and Apis mellifera husbandry practices on wild pollinator communities |
11:01 – 11:15 | Break | |
11:15 – 11:27 | Ménalie Spedener | Does moderate cattle grazing increase the species richness of flowering plants in young spruce plantations in productive boreal forest? |
11:27 – 11:39 | Lene Sigsgaard | Floral resources for predators and pollinators in apple orchards |
11:39 – 11:51 | Linn Vassvik | Pollination and potential pollen deficits in Norwegian apple orchards |
Wildlife ecology
Chair: Liv Monica Trondrud
Time: 14:00-15:30
Place: Hovedkvarteret
Time | Speaker | Title |
14:00 – 14:12 | Asuncion Semper-Pascual | Are mammals from tropical protected areas save from anthropogenic processes and impacts? |
14:12 – 14:17 | Andrea F. Vallejo-Vargas | Morning and evening rush hour: a pantropical pattern in forest mammal communities |
14:17 – 14:29 | Simon D. Schowanek | The extinction risk of tropical forest mammals at different scales |
14:29 – 14:41 | Ehsan Mohammadi Moqanaki | Time flies: Factors influencing DNA amplification success and genotyping errors in field-collected carnivore scats |
14:41-14:48 | Break | |
14:48 - 15:00 | Thor Harald Ringsby | Artificial selection on body size in House sparrow populations; effects on early-life telomere dynamics |
15:00 – 15:05 | Tirza Moerman | Parasitic nematode dynamics on Svalbard reindeer |
15:05 – 15:17 | Stefaniya Kamenova | Long-term management history affects seasonal diet composition of semi-domesticated reindeer |
15:17 – 15:29 | Samantha P. H. Dwinnell | Carryover effects of a large herbivore exploiting resource pulses in a time of food scarcity |
Carbon Dynamics
Chair: Rieke Lo Madsen
Time: 14:00-15:30
Place: Kornrommet
Time | Speaker | Title |
14:00 – 14:12 | Vilde Haukenes | Spatial variation in amount of carbon in boreal forest surface soil – the role of historical fires, hydro-topography, and contemporary vegetation |
14:12 – 14:24 | Claire Devos | Soil carbon stocks are unaffected by forest expansion into tundra |
14:24 – 14:36 | David Oldcorn | The impacts of increased rainfall and nutrient availability on the C balance of High Arctic dry ecosystems |
14:36 – 14:48 | Junbin Zhao | Climate friendly management of boreal peatlands – an example from a cultivated peatland in northern Norway |
14:48 – 15:00 | Break | |
15:00 – 15:12 | Marte Fandrem | A calculator for peatland volume and carbon stock to support area planners and decision makers |
15:12 – 15:17 | Milda Norkute | Forestry effects on greenhouse emissions in dead wood |
15:17 – 15:22 | Morgane Demeaux | Plant functional groups mediate climate effects on mesofauna abundance and community composition |
Wildlife management and monitoring
Chair: Simon Schowanek
Time: 16:00-17:00
Place: Hovedkvarteret
Time | Speaker | Title |
16:00 – 16:12 | Dafna Gilad | How the Norwegian grid affects biodiversity: quantifying collision and electrocution life cycle impacts on birds in Norway |
16:12 – 16:17 | Mathilde Klokkersveeen Tholme | Relationships between short- range echolocating bats and insects in boreal forests |
16:17 – 16:29 | Reed April McKay | Monitoring bats, birds, and bugs in boreal forests |
16:29 – 16:41 | Stein Joar Hegland | The effects of ungulate herbivory on forest plants and insects: two decades of research on the island Svanøy |
16:41 – 16:46 | Gunjari Chatterjee | Survival and growth of farmed, hybrid, and wild salmon during migration in the North Atlantic Ocean |
16:46-16:58 | Louise Chavarie | The benefits of merging passive and active tracking approaches: new insights into riverine migration by salmonid smolts |
Arctic and alpine ecology
Chair: Linn Vassvik
Time: 16:00-17:00
Place: Kornrommet
Time | Speaker | Title |
16:00 – 16:12 | Ruben Roos | A year without summer: how mid-summer cold affects flowering phenology of Dryas octopetala |
16:12 – 16:24 | Maria Elise Pierfederici | The structure and ecological patterns of seeds microbial community in the arctic-alpine plant Silene acaulis along a latitudinal gradient in Europe |
16:24 – 16:36 | Ragnhild Gya | You have been warmed: novel interactions cancel out positive effects of warming in alpine plants |
16:36 – 16:48 | Aud Halbritter | Can grazing mitigate negative impacts of global change on biodiversity? |
16:48 - 16:53 | Siri Lie Olsen | Three decades of environmental change studies at alpine Finse, Norway: responses across ecological scales |
Wednesday 15: Conference day 2
Time | Event | Place |
09:00 – 09:45 | Keynote: Docent Ingemar Näslund Restoration of inland waters – strategies, objectives and implementation | Hovedkvarteret |
09:45 – 10:00 | Coffee break | |
10:00 – 12:00 | Parallel sessions: | |
Restoration ecology | Hovedkvarteret | |
Spatial ecology Functional ecology | Kornrommet | |
12:00 – 13:00 | Lunch | |
13:00 – 13:30 | Keynote: Senior scientist Eszter Kelemen Can economists serve the cause of nature? Some lessons from the IPBES Values Assessment | Online/ Hovedkvarteret |
13:30 – 15:00 | Parallel sessions: | |
Ecosystem services | Hovedkvarteret | |
Ecology under a changing climate | Kornrommet | |
15:00 – 15:10 | Break | |
15:10 – 15:30 | Executive Director of NSO Johan Nilsson What is new in the publishing world? | Hovedkvarteret |
15:30 – 15:40 | Break | |
15:40 – 16:30 | Panel debate (in Norwegian): Klimakrise vs. naturkrise | Hovedkvarteret |
Parallel sessions (Wednesday)
Restoration ecology
Chair: Jonathan Edward Colman
Time: 10:00-12:00
Place: Hovedkvarteret
Time | Speaker | Title |
10:00 – 10:12 | Natchiyar Balasubramanian | Land-use and Biodiversity: How can companies assess and mitigate their impacts |
10:12 – 10:24 | Knut Rydgren | Time to say goodbye to seeding in alpine restoration? |
10:24 – 10:36 | Marianne Evju | Removal of roads in an alpine landscape: effects of restoration treatments on time to recovery |
10:36 – 10:48 | Astrid Skrindo | Identification of plant indicators for high pollinator diversity when prioritizing roadside restoration |
10:48 – 11:00 | Break | |
11:00 – 11:12 | Jørn Olav Løkken | Evaluation of restoration success in an urban restoration project: calcareous semi-natural grasslands in Oslo, Norway |
11:12 – 11:24 | Sondre Røragen | Homing and straying dynamics of sea trout in the Verdal-River, and how it could be important in a metapopulation dynamic |
11:24 - 11:36 | Markus Sydenham | Pollinator habitat suitability models predict where sown flower strips have the greatest effect on bee diversity |
Spatial ecology
Chair: Bjørn Arild Hatteland
Time: 10:00-11:10
Place: Kornrommet
Time | Speaker | Title |
10:00 – 10:12 | Ida Marielle Mienna | Predicting current and future habitat suitability for alien vascular plants in Norway |
10:12 – 10:17 | Aishwarya Rajlaxmi | Assessment of spatial and temporal distribution of Taxus wallichiana zucc. in the Indian Himalayan region |
10:17 – 10:29 | Isak Lerum | Will spatial random effects remove niche shifts in distribution models of invasive species? |
10:29 - 10:41 | James Speed | Horizon scanning of potential invasive plant species and their distribution in Norway under a changing climate |
10:41 – 10:53 | Adam Klimes | Statistical estimation of components of ecosystem resilience using spatial datasets |
10:53 – 10:05 | Eva Lieungh | Mechanistic ecosystem modelling made easy: the NorESM Land Sites Platform |
Functional ecology
Chair: Bjørn Arild Hatteland
Time: 11:20-12:00
Place: Kornrommet
Time | Speaker | Title |
11:20 – 11:25 | Brijesh Singh Yadav | Transcriptional responses in three-spined stickleback populations from high and low mercury environments |
11:25 – 11:30 | Kristel van Zuijlen | How do traits and bioclimate affect extinction risk in European bryophytes? |
11:30 – 11:42 | George Furey | Chemical traits describe the axes of plant biodiversity that underpin ecosystem functioning |
11:42 – 11:54 | Jolanta Rieksta | Dwarf birch volatile emissions and plant functional traits in Greenlandic tundra |
Ecosystem services
Chair: Graciela Rusch
Time: 13:30-15:00
Place: Hovedkvarteret
Time | Speaker | Title |
13:30 – 13:35 | Graciela Rush, Jan Vermaat, Bart Immerzeel, David Barton | Introduction to session |
13:35 – 13:45 | Erik Stange | Improving pollinator habitat suitability modelling for mapping and assessing ecosystem services for land use planning and ecosystem accounting |
13:45 – 13:55 | Ana Leite | Rural communities’ views on woodland benefits in Guinea-Bissau: the importance of wild edible plants |
13:55 – 14:05 | Erik Framstad | Forest ecosystem services in Norway: trends, condition, and drivers of change (1950–2020) |
14:05 – 14:10 | ||
14:10 – 14:20 | Jan Vermaat | Effects of managing nuisance aquatic plants on a suite of ecosystem services |
14:20 – 14:30 | Roel May | Participatory approaches to mapping ecosystem services landscape-special session ecosystem services? |
14:30 – 14:40 | Bart Immerzeel | The value of change: a scenario assessment of the effects of bioeconomy driven land use change on ecosystem service provision |
14:40 – 15:00 | Questions/Discussion |
Ecology and evolution under a changing climate
Chair: Danielle Creek
Time: 13:30-15:00
Place: Kornrommet
Time | Speaker | Title |
13:30 – 13:42 | Laura Bartra Cabré | Vegetation community under climatic perturbations |
13:42 – 13:54 | Dilip Naidu | Short- and long-range fluctuations in vegetation production under climate change |
13:54 – 14:06 | Inger Auestad | Local environmental factors, as well as climatic variation, explain variation in bilberry performance along an elevational gradient |
14:06 – 14:18 | Alistair W.R. Seddon | Quantitative estimates of past UV-B irradiance from fossil pollen |
14:18 – 14:30 | Myranda Murray | Systematic review: The effect of social interactions on population persistence under environmental change |
14:03 – 14:42 | Agnes Holstad | Evolvability predicts evolutionary divergence in extant and extinct species |
14:42 – 14:54 | Thomas Haaland | Eco-evolutionary dynamics in partially migratory metapopulations |
Abstracts and posters
You can download abstracts and poster from the links below:
Forest Ecology:
Land-use change:
Wildlife Ecology:
Carbon Dynamics:
Wildlife Management and Monitoring:
Arctic and Alpine Ecology:
Restoration Ecology:
Functional Ecology:
Spatial Ecology:
Ecosystem Services:
Ecology and Evolution under a Changing Climate:
Keynote speakers

Richard Bischof
professor, NMBU
Richard is a wildlife ecologist, working at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
He and his team work on both applied and fundamental questions in ecology, with a special focus on developing methods that help us measure and understand processes that are difficult to observe directly. These include the spatial distribution and dynamics of elusive species such as large carnivores.
Richard is particularly interested in reconciling individual movements and fates with population-level phenomena.

Lena Gustafsson
professor emerita, SLU
Lena is a plant ecologist at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Lena’s research is directed towards biodiversity and conservation in forests, especially in evaluating and developing of knowledge on effects and efficiency of conservation actions, and how such can be combined with forest management.
She is interested in processes and structures that drive species dynamics in natural as well as managed forests, and how such insights can be used in conservation strategies.

Ingemar Näslund
Water management strategist at the County administration of Jämtlands län
Fish biologist educated at the university of Umeå. Research within the field of fish migration, fish life history and fish habitat management. PhD 1991 at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Umeå.
Since 1999 at the County administration been dealing with most issues connected to water management; habitat restoration, fishery management, the Water framework directive, mitigation of hydropower effects on aquatic ecosystems, environmental monitoring and environmental objectives. Since 2013 responsible for applications for funding of restoration projects (LIFE, national funding, etc).

Eszter Kelemen
senior scientist, ESSRG
Eszter has a background in ecological economics and works at the Environmental Social Science Research Group, an independent nonprofit research organization based in Hungary.
Her main research focus is the socio-cultural and deliberative valuation of ecosystem services, which bridges across different disciplines, knowledge systems, as well as across science, policy and society. She was a coordinating lead author of the IPBES Values Assessment
She is especially interested in how the current social and institutional structures, which drive the environmental crisis, can be transformed for a more just and sustainable future.
General information
Registration, contact, and abstract submission
Please register here: www.deltager.no/event/oikos_norway_2023
Registration deadline: 15 December, 2022.
We welcome a variety of contributions (orally or poster) to embrace the diversity of ecological research in Norway.
All queries, workshop suggestions and abstracts can be sent to: oikos2023@nmbu.no.
NB! Please indicate in your e-mail whether you want a 15 minutes oral presentation, a 5 minutes oral presentation or a poster.
Location and accommodation
Location: The conference will take place at Vitenparken at NMBU's Campus (see map below).
Campus map: Check out campus locations in Mazemap (link)
Mazemap is a great way to get an overview over NMBU campus, you can find all the locations and room numbers for both the workshops and conference. If you are arriving by car you can park at Eika, but remember to register and pay in the Apcoa app/webpage.
Accommodation: We recommend either Ski, Drøbak or Oslo as place of accommodation.
Conduct and diversity
Presenter information
Oral presentations: You will get your assigned 5 or 12 min. to present. The allotted time includes questions afterwards. Therefore, we suggest aiming for 4 min. and 10 min. presentations respectively to leave some room for questions.
You also need to send us your presentation, no later than Monday 13.02. The file name needs to be: Day_Room_StartTime_PresentersName. Send it to: geir@inspiretoaction.no.
Posters: We do not have strict size requirements, but portrait format is preferred and please avoid printing your poster larger than size A0. When you sign up Tuesday morning you will be assigned a spot, as well as something to hang it with.
If you want a paper version, please print it yourself prior to the conference. Abstracts for all presentations will be available on the webpage before the conference.
Quiz Monday
On Monday evening (18-22) there will be a social gathering including a quiz at Ås Stasjon Cafe, where you are all welcome to join. It will be possible to buy food and drinks here.
Nature scavenger hunt
There will be a series of ecological “treasures” to discover in and around NMBU’s campus. Conference attendees can go on walks to look for these throughout the conference if they like.
Click on the map below. You can also use the QR code below: