Strategy, organization, and leadership (SOL)The research group for strategy, organization and leadership at NMBU School of Economics and Business conducts research at a high national and international level and offers a number of undergraduate …
Handelshøyskolen blir fakultet og søker internasjonal akkrediteringNMBUs styre vedtok 16. juni en omorganisering av universitetet fra 1.1.2017.
Development and International Economics profileMaster of Science in Economics gives you the opportunity to specialize in one out of five profiles. One of them is Development and International Economics profile.
Trade and Commodity Markets profile Master of Science in Economics gives you the opportunity to specialize in one out of five profiles. One of them is Trade and Commodity Markets profile.
Financial Economics profile Master of Science in Economics gives you the opportunity to specialize in one out of five profiles. One of them is Financial Economics profile.
Environment and Resource Economics profileMaster of Science in Economics gives you the opportunity to specialize in one out of five profiles. One of them is Environment and Resource Economics profile.
Environment and Resource Economics profileMaster of Science in Economics gives you the opportunity to specialize in one out of five profiles. One of them is Environment and Resource Economics profile.
Programme structure for Master of Science in EconomicsThis programme plan applies for students with the startup Autumn 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013.
Bachelor i samfunnsøkonomi - oppbygning og gjennomføringDenne studieplanen gjelder studenter med oppstart høsten 2016, 2015, 2014 og 2013.
Bachelor i samfunnsøkonomi - oppbygning og gjennomføringDenne studieplanen gjelder studenter med oppstart høsten 2016, 2015, 2014 og 2013.