FHV310 Participatory Approaches in Public Health Work

Credits (ECTS):10

Course responsible:Ruth Kjærsti Raanaas

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Limits of class size:30

Course frequency:Annually.

Nominal workload:A total of 250 hours. Workshops: 30 h * 2 weeks = 60 hours. Preparation and following up work of the workshops including self study: 60 hours. Term paper: 130 hours.

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in the Spring parallel and has evaluation in the Spring parallel.

About this course

Introduction to participatory approaches in research and practices to promote public health. Participatory approaches are based on a critical epistemological perspective and aim to change, release and strengthen health resources. Examples of participatory approaches that students get exposed to are participation, co-creation, strength-based approaches, formative dialog-based research, action research, photovoice, concept mapping, system thinking, SWOT analysis, etc. It will also be emphasized how participatory approaches are part of evaluation methods in public health work more generally. Students will work with practical projects in groups commissioned by local community actors, based on participatory approaches. They will write a report to the local community actors where the practical project is described and discussed in light of relevant theory.

Learning outcome

After completing the course, the student should have acquired knowledge of various participatory approaches in research and practice in public health work, such as formative dialog-based research, action research and co-creation.

Students will have developed skills in facilitating projects in public health work based on participatory approaches and be able to communicate this written and orally.

The student should have developed competence in participatory approaches in public health work, such as formative dialog-based research, and participation and co-creation as methods. Furthermore, they must have developed expertise in applying theory of participatory approaches in practice, collaborating across professions, actors and roles in public health work, applying a holistic approach in public health work, being critical and constructive of attitudes and values in public health work.

  • Practical project work in group. Lectures, seminars, supervision and self study will support the work with a term paper/group work. Students skills are assessed through the semester assignment and an oral presentation.
  • Teachers are available at the workshops and through Canvas.
  • FHV330 and FHV315.
  • Assignment: The term paper (written project report) counts 100 %. Grades A-F

    Assignment Grading: Passed / Not Passed
  • An external examiner approves the criteria for the project report and evaluates the report.
  • Implementation of a practical project. Mandatory activities are in addition group supervision and oral presentation of the project.
  • A room for minimum 30 persons is required.
  • The course is based on weekly intensive workshops. Approx. 10 days of full time workshops (lectures, seminars and group supervision).
  • Minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway (generell studiekompetanse)